PositionHome > PRODUCTS & SOLUTIONS > Wellan2000 Metum-Stic > text
From scientific research we found that the smaller the water molecule cluster is, the greater the activity the water has. After drinking the water treated by the products you can feel a little sweet and good taste.
Metum-stic is made from special functional metal material, which is sometimes called bioactive material, and has a special memory function. Such material can store special bio energy information which could be used to improve the quality of drinks. Drinking beverages treated by METUM-STIC in the long-term can improve human microcirculation, promote metabolism, remove toxins and enhance body functions.The testing report by Hagalis Assoziation in Germany indicated that after treated by our quantum products, compared to common water, the crystal formation of mineral reveals an amazing difference. In the report, doctor Schulz pointed out that after treated by quantum products the water has more positive effects than common water, in stimulating human body metabolism, reducing blood viscosity, promoting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular microcirculation.
Benefits of using the Metum-Stic:
Activate and regenerate water
Neutralize undesired fruit acids
Reduce sulphur residues in wines
Decomposes excessive carbon acids
Prevent heartburn resulting from the influences of alcohol and other beverages
The Metum-Stic is available either in 925 sterling silver, or silver coated, or gold coated.
It can be carried along any place in the plastic case included in our delivery and it never wears off.