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Date:2011-11-14 22:23:06
The second International Forum on Low Carbon Age was this year held on November 13 in Beijing, and it provided an arena for among others Mr. Wang Wenyuan, Vice Chairman of the 9th CPPCC Standing Committee, other senior officials, and the Ambassador’s from South Africa, Norway and the Danish Ambassador to speak about green development.
Furthermore, the Danish Ambassador spoke about the new Danish Government’s new strategy on climate, energy, and the Danish Government’s expectation on the UN climate change conference in Durban.
“Almost 12 percent of Danish exports come from clean tech – and it is now part of Denmark’s brand on the global scene. But Denmark can still improve. In October, the new Danish government announced an even more ambitious climate and energy policy,” said Friis Arne Petersen, Danish Ambassador to China.
The policy will:
1. Reduce the Danish emissions by 40 percent in 2020 compared to 1990.
2. Turn the whole energy system into renewable energy by 2035 and ensure that half of the consumption of electricity will come from wind power by 2020.
3. Phase out oil, gas and coal entirely to ensure a fossil free society by 2050.

The Ambassador encouraged the participants to work together on climate challenges during the upcoming UN climate change conference in Durban, South Africa, in just two weeks’ time.
“Climate change crosses borders indiscriminately, and so governments must continue to work hard for a global solution to a global problem. Both China and Denmark have shown willingness to create the necessary policy frameworks conducive to green growth at the national level, but it is equally important to make progress in the international climate negotiation,” said Friis Arne Petersen.
One of four interviews the Danish Ambassador gave at the conference - this one for Chinese GZTV.
The event was hosted by South Daily Media Group and associated the Southern Metropolis Daily.
Edited November 14, 2011
Date:2011-11-14 22:23:06
Source: Embassy of Denmark in China
November 13, the Danish Ambassador to China, Friis Arne Petersen, gave a keynote speech about green development at “International Forum on Low-Carbon Age 2011” in Beijing.
The second International Forum on Low Carbon Age was this year held on November 13 in Beijing, and it provided an arena for among others Mr. Wang Wenyuan, Vice Chairman of the 9th CPPCC Standing Committee, other senior officials, and the Ambassador’s from South Africa, Norway and the Danish Ambassador to speak about green development.
Furthermore, the Danish Ambassador spoke about the new Danish Government’s new strategy on climate, energy, and the Danish Government’s expectation on the UN climate change conference in Durban.
“Almost 12 percent of Danish exports come from clean tech – and it is now part of Denmark’s brand on the global scene. But Denmark can still improve. In October, the new Danish government announced an even more ambitious climate and energy policy,” said Friis Arne Petersen, Danish Ambassador to China.
The policy will:
1. Reduce the Danish emissions by 40 percent in 2020 compared to 1990.
2. Turn the whole energy system into renewable energy by 2035 and ensure that half of the consumption of electricity will come from wind power by 2020.
3. Phase out oil, gas and coal entirely to ensure a fossil free society by 2050.

The Ambassador encouraged the participants to work together on climate challenges during the upcoming UN climate change conference in Durban, South Africa, in just two weeks’ time.
“Climate change crosses borders indiscriminately, and so governments must continue to work hard for a global solution to a global problem. Both China and Denmark have shown willingness to create the necessary policy frameworks conducive to green growth at the national level, but it is equally important to make progress in the international climate negotiation,” said Friis Arne Petersen.
One of four interviews the Danish Ambassador gave at the conference - this one for Chinese GZTV.
The event was hosted by South Daily Media Group and associated the Southern Metropolis Daily.
Edited November 14, 2011