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Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark Helps in Participation in China ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT
Date:2011-5-27 22:12:14

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

The worldwide debate about global warming and the subsequent focus on the energy sector and environmental awareness is taken very seriously by China. There is a strong demand for advanced technology within energy efficiency and environmental improvements. China has announced that it will put a large emphasis on developing more environmental friendly energy solutions. A recent example of environmental concern is China’s ‘Regulation for Pollution Control of Electronic Products’, also known as ‘China RoHS’. Furthermore, China is increasingly keeping a strict pollution control on production facilities and is subsequently closing down polluting factories.

China E&E Industry Indicators

■China's energy demand has been greatly increasing and is expected to grow at about 5.5% per year through the year 2020.
■E&E industries are expected to have some of the best potential and growth opportunities in China.
■In recent years the E&E sectors have gained high attention, and projects to increase energy efficiency and reduce harm on the environment is in high demand. China has shown increasing interest in renewable energy and sustainable energy saving solutions.
■The Chinese government has set aside 1.5% of GDP for environmental improvements, and one of their targets is a 30% reduction in per capita water consumption. In addition, another 100 million people living in rural areas should be given access to water.
■A decrease in energy consumption and a wish of generating a larger share of energy from renewable energy sources are listed as major development projects in China's Eleventh Five-Year Plan covering the period 2006-2010.
IN SUM: There is a demand for new and better technology in the energy sector in China. This provides opportunities for Danish companies with competences and know-how on appliances and technologies, as well as knowledge within sourcing and outsourcing of products and production within the energy and environment sector.

Key competences – business areas TCD-C

■Assistance with establishment of sourcing network in China
■Establishment of distribution network for Danish E&E products
■Company set-up etc.
■Establishing relations with Chinese authorities
■Establishing relations with small to large state and private owned enterprises
■Market surveys
■Representation and promotion of Danish enterprises in China

Key Competences – E&E sectors at TCD-Cs business areas

■Wide coverage in China - close co-operation between Danish and Chinese commercial officers in five locations in China
■Knowledge of both Danish and Chinese business culture
■Local network to both business organizations and authorities
■Our clients perceive our official status as useful as it can help establishing contacts to Chinese authorities, organizations, this is particularly be of help with Environment and Energy sector, as a lot of government departments are involved
■As a government organ considered neutral and with high degree of trustworthiness, honesty on “both sides”
■We have good connections with other markets, in which TCD had successful marketing experiences in assisting Danish Environment and Energy companies in entering the markets
■Danish Environment protection technology enjoys very high reputation in China

Please contact one of the industry team members for information on services offered to companies within the Energy & Environment Industry.

For more information about the Energy & Environment Industry in China, please click here

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