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Witness Wellan2000's Outstanding Anti-scale Performance in Oil and Gas Industry
Date:2022-5-11 12:38:45
Date:2022-5-11 12:38:45
As the best physical water treatment device in the world, Wellan2000 Rings have been widely used in oil fields to combat scale and corrosion which occur to oil and/or water transmission pipes. Recently, our customer opened a waste water mixer system in a oil field to check the Wellan2000 ring's performance four months after installation. Visual inspection and measurement shows a thickness of 0.5-1.0mm scale on the pipe with Wellan2000 v.s. 4.0-5.0mm scale on pipes without Wellan2000 installation. The remarkable achievement by Wellan2000 results in significant cost reductions for both production and maintenance.