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WELLAN2000 Special Rings Help Oil Fields Save Millions Per Year


Crystallization and deposition of paraffin waxes on production tubular and pumping equipment during crude oil production is a problem well known to the oil industry, costing billions of dollars worldwide through lost production and the expense of remedial actions. Choking of production tubes and flow lines by asphaltenes and or mineral scale deposition also obstructs oil production and is similarly costly to the oil industry. In heavy oils, very high viscosity impedes fluid flow in production tubes and transport pipelines, leading to substantial technological challenges to their economic development. These production problems are common to paraffinic oils, heavy oils and asphaltenes and fundamentally occur because of the destabilization of the micelle structure (micellization) of the oils as they enter the wellbore at the onset of production. In many cases, WELLAN® special units for oil fields can help ease such difficult situations. Our products have been proved to be helpful in reducing production costs for oil industry.

All rights reserved: Beijing Wellan Century Technology Co., LTD. Jing ICP 07030289
Address:5th Floor, Jing Ding Yuan, Xi Si Huan Bei Lu 140, Haidian, Beijing 100097
Telephone: 86-10-88593861 88593865 88593512  fax: 86-10-88591839
Email: info@wellan2000.cn
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