PositionHome > OUR PROJECTS > Wellan2000 Water Ring > text
Thermal and electricity power plant uses WELLAN2000 for cooling water improvements
A thermal and electricity power plant
parameters | pH | turbidity NTU | conductivity us/cm | total hardness mg/L | Ca hardness | Cl- mg/L | Fe mg/L | SS mg/L | bacteria /ml | alkalinity mg/L | Date M/D |
Control level | 6.5-9.5 | ≤20 | ≤3000 | ≤500 | ≤350 | ≤1000 | ≤0.5 | ≤20 | ≤105 | ≤500 | |
Average level without WELLAN |
8.4 |
4.5 |
1210 |
303 |
267 |
290 |
0.25 | | | 127 | Aug Sep |
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